The Four year integrated programme in Education – B.Sc., B.Ed. aims at integrating the general studies comprising three year Liberal Science - B.Sc. on the one hand and the Professional Studies B.Ed. comprising foundation of education, pedagogy of school subjects and practicum related to tasks and functions of a school teacher on other hand.


  • (a) The candidates with at least 50% marks in the +2 or its equivalent are eligible for admission
  • (b) The reservation and relaxation in marks for SC/ST/OBC/PWD and other category shall be as per the rules of the Central Government / UT of Puducherry/UT of Andaman & Nicobar Islands.
  • (c) The choice of subject is based on the eligibility conditions as prescribed for the UG courses of the respective subject of specialisation by this university.

Admission Procedure

  • (a) Admission will be made on merit on the basis of marks obtained in the qualifying examination and in the entrance examination or any other selection process as per the policy of respective Government.
  • (b) At the time of admission to the programme, the students will need to indicate their selection of the subject to be pursued for the discipline options and accompanying pedagogic specialisation for which they are applying and these may be assigned on the basis of order of merit and availability

Course Structure

The curriculum of the programme has been organized under the following four components:


1 Part I Modern Indian Languages / French Liberal Options (LO)
Part II English
Part III Main + Supportive
2 Part IV Theory Educational Studies (ES
Pedagogical Studies (PS)
Practical Practicum (PR)
3 AECC Courses approved by UGC and MHRD




Title of the Course Name of the course Credits CCE* UE** Total
Part I Lang I-1 Tamil/French/Malayalam/Telugu/Hindi 4 30 70 100
Part II Lang II-1 English 4 30 70 100
Part III Core 1 Core: B.Sc/B.A……………… 4 30 70 100
Core 2 Core: B.Sc/B.A ……………… 4 30 70 100
Core 3 Core: B.Sc/B.A ……………… 4 30 70 100
Core 4 Supportive: B.Sc/B.A ……… 4 30 70 100
Part IV Edn: EPC 1 Yoga, Health and Physical Edn I 2 50 - 50
AECC A 1 Environmental Studies 4 30 70 100
    total       750



Title of the Course Name of the course Credits CCE* UE** Total
Part I Lang I-2 Tamil/French/Malayalam/Telugu/Hindi 4 30 70 100
Part II Lang II-2 English 4 30 70 100
Part III Core 5 Core: B.Sc/B.A……………… 4 30 70 100
Core 6 Core: B.Sc/B.A ……………… 4 30 70 100
Core 7 Core: B.Sc/B.A ……………… 4 30 70 100
Core 8 Supportive: B.Sc/B.A ……… 4 30 70 100
Part IV Edn 1: C&PS Language across the Curriculum 4 30 70 100
Edn: EPC 2 Reading and Reflecting on Texts 2 50 - 50
    total       750



Title of the Course Name of the course Credits CCE* UE** Total
Part I Lang I-3 Tamil/French/Malayalam/Telugu/Hindi 4 30 70 100
Part II Lang II-3 English 4 30 70 100
Part III Core 9 Core: B.Sc/B.A……………… 4 30 70 100
Core 10 Core: B.Sc/B.A ……………… 4 30 70 100
Core 11 Core: B.Sc/B.A ……………… 4 30 70 100
Core 12 Supportive: B.Sc/B.A ……… 4 30 70 100
Part IV Edn 2: PE Childhood and Growing up – I 4 30 70 100
Edn 3: C&PS Knowledge and Curriculum 4 30 70 100
Edn: EPC 3 Drama and Art in Education 2 50 - 50
    total       850



Title of the Course Name of the course Credits CCE* UE** Total
Part I Lang I-4 Tamil/French/Malayalam/Telugu/Hindi 4 30 70 100
Part II Lang II-4 English 4 30 70 100
Part III Core 13 Core: B.Sc/B.A……………… 4 30 70 100
Core 14 Core: B.Sc/B.A ……………… 4 30 70 100
Core 15 Core: B.Sc/B.A ……………… 4 30 70 100
Core 16 Supportive: B.Sc/B.A ……… 4 30 70 100
Part IV Edn 4: PE Childhood and Growing up – II 4 30 70 100
Edn 5: PE Gender School and Society 4 30 70 100
Edn: EPC 4 Critical Understanding of ICT 2 50 - 50
    total       850



Title of the Course Name of the course Credits CCE* UE** Total
Part III Core 17 Core: B.Sc/B.A……………… 4 30 70 100
Core 18 Core: B.Sc/B.A ……………… 4 30 70 100
Part IV Edn 6: PE Contemporary India and Education -I 4 30 70 100
Edn 7: PE Learning and Teaching-1 4 30 70 100
Edn 8: C&PS Pedagogy of School Subject I 4 30 70 100
Edn 9: C&PS Pedagogy of School Subject II 4 30 70 100
Edn : Int 1 School Internship 4 100   100
Edn : Int 2 Community Living Camp 2 50   50
Edn: EPC 5 Soft Skill 2 50   50
    total       850



Title of the Course Name of the course Credits CCE* UE** Total
Part III Core 19 Core: B.Sc/B.A……………… 4 30 70 100
Core 20 Core: B.Sc/B.A ……………… 4 30 70 100
Part IV Edn 10: PE Learning and Teaching – II 4 30 70 100
Edn 11: PE Contemporary India and Education -II 4 30 70 100
Edn 12: PE School Management – I 4 30 70 100
Edn 13: C&PS Pedagogy of School Subject I 4 30 70 100
Edn 14: C&PS Pedagogy of School Subject II 4 30 70 100
    total       700



Title of the Course Name of the course Credits CCE* UE** Total
Part III Core 21 Core: B.Sc/B.A ……………… 4 30 70 100
Part IV Edn 15: PE Creating an Inclusive School 4 30 70 100
Edn 16: C&PS Assessment for learning – I 4 30 70 100
Edn 17: PE School Management – II 4 30 70 100
Edn 18: C&PS Pedagogy of School Subject I 4 30 70 100
Edn 19: C&PS Pedagogy of School Subject II 4 30 70 100
Edn: EPC 6 Yoga, Health and Physical Edn II 2 50   50
Edn: EPC 7 Understanding Self 2 50   50
    total       700



Title of the Course Name of the course Credits CCE* UE** Total
Part III Core 22 Core: B.Sc/B.A ……………… 4 30 70 100
Part IV Edn 20: C&PS Pedagogy of School Subject I 4 30 70 100
Edn 21: C&PS Pedagogy of School Subject II 4 30 70 100
Edn 22: C&PS Assessment for learning – II 4 30 70 100
Practicum: Teaching Competency Pedagogy of School Subject I 8 100 100 100
Pedagogy of School Subject II 8 100 100 100
AECC A2 Introduction to Public Administration 4 30 70 100
    total       900

Task and Assignment related to theory courses in General studies (Courses in Liberal options) Distribution of Marks for Liberal Courses


  • Total: 100 Marks, Duration : 3 hours
  • University Examination (UE) : 70 marks
  • Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) : 30 marks


Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation Structure:

  • Test - 15 marks ( 3 tests – 3x5)
  • Assignment / Practicals in Supportive courses - Science Subjects - 10 marks (the list of the practicals - attached under the respective syllabi)
  • Attendance - 5 marks

Passing minimum for Continuous comprehensive evaluation - 12 marks (40%)

Passing minimum for University Examination - 28 marks (40 %)


Practical in main subjects - 50 marks

University Examination (UE) – 60 %
Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) – 40 %


School Internship

School internship would be a part of the broad curricular area of ‘engagement with the field’ and shall be designed to lead to the development of a broad repertoire of perspectives, professional capacities, teacher sensibilities and skills.

The student teacher during internship in a school should perform the roles of a regular teacher at the respective level under the direct guidance and supervision of the mentoring teacher (Supervising / Guide Teacher) of the school. While at school, the student teacher shall prepare the necessary teaching resources and records for teaching lessons.



SEM No. CODE Sub Name of the course CCE UE Total
I Core 1   Main 1 Chemistry–I: Atomic Structure, Bonding, General Organic Chemistry 30 70 100
Core 2   Main 2 Basic Analytical Chemistry 30 70 100
Core 3   Main 3 Green Chemistry 30 70 100
Core 4 (Supportive 1)   Anci 1-1 Mathematics-I 30 70 100
II Core 5   Main 4 Chemistry-II: Chemical Energetics, Equilibria & Functional Organic Chemistry-I 30 70 100
Core 6   Main 5 Analytical Clinical Biochemistry 30 70 100
Core 7   Main 6 Chemistry-Laboratory-I Chemistry–I: Atomic Structure, Bonding, General Organic Chemistry   50 50
    Chemistry-Laboratory-II Chemistry-II: Chemical Energetics, Equilibria & Functional Organic Chemistry-I   50 50
Core 8 (Supportive 2)   Anci 1-2 Mathematics-II 30 70 100
III Core 9   Main 7 Chemistry-III: Solutions, Phase Equilibrium, Electrochemistry & Functional Group Organic Chemistry-II 30 70 100
Core 10   Main 8 Fuel Chemistry 30 70 100
Core 11   Main 9 Molecular Modelling & Drug Design 30 70 100
Core 12 (Supportive 3)   Anci 2-1 Physics-I 30 70 100
IV Core 13   Main 10 Chemistry-IV: Coordination Chemistry, States of Matter & Chemical Kinetics 30 70 100
Core 14   Main 11 Nano Chemistry 30 70 100
Core 15   Main 12 Chemistry -Laboratory-III Chemistry-III: Solutions, Phase Equilibrium, Electrochemistry & Functional Group Organic Chemistry-II   50 50
    Chemistry-Laboratory-IV Chemistry-IV: Coordination Chemistry, States of Matter & Chemical Kinetics   50 50
Core 16 (Supportive 4)   Anci 2-2 Physics -II 30 70 100
V Core 17   Main 13 Analytical Methods in Chemistry 30 70 100
Core 18   Main 14 Industrial Chemicals & Environment 30 70 100
VI Core 19   Main 15 Organometallics, Bioinorganic chemistry, Polynuclear hydrocarbons and UV, IR Spectroscopy 30 70 100
Core 20   Main 16 Chemistry -Laboratory-V Industrial Chemicals & Environment   50 50
      Chemistry -Laboratory-VI Organometallics, Bioinorganic chemistry, Polynuclear hydrocarbons and UV, IR Spectroscopy   50 50
VII Core 21   Main 17 Polymer Chemistry 30 70 100
VIII Core 22   Main 18 Chemistry -Laboratory-VII Analytical Methods in Chemistry and Analytical Clinical Biochemistry   50 50
      Chemistry -Laboratory-VIII Polymer Chemistry and Molecular Modelling & Drug Design   50 50

B.Sc.B.Ed. Chemistry

Integrated B.Sc.,B.Ed., Chemistry programme


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